Monday, April 11, 2011

Panic attack and foot in the mouth...

So, the weekend was filled with cleaning that still isn't finished. That's OK...I feel great about what we did accomplish. This morning we woke up a little late (for me it was only by 15 mins. for my husband, more like 45 mins.) and I didn't even notice he was still sawing logs because I was so busy making eggs and bagels for breakfast. lol. Once we got Chas to school and him to work, I drove to the tax man's office to drop off some paperwork that hubby forgot to get to him and came home. The calico cat and the dog greeted me joyfully at the door, but my little baby cat (who's almost 3 years old, lol) was no where to be found. So I searched for 35 mins. with no luck. I immediately went into panic mode and started freaking out thinking my niece let the cat out by accident. I ended up calling hubby and sobbing and he told me to calm down. Then after saying some things I regretted about my niece, I walked into the kitchen and went to pull a chair out from the's heaviness gave Preston away and I felt like the biggest jerk. I was hoping I could just get off the phone and not have to pay the piper...hubby wouldn't let me off that easily and voiced to me how I can NEVER say those things to my niece, ect. ect. I assured him I never would and never have and that we should just let it go. He agreed and here I sit with a tense tummy and swollen eyeballs. LOL. Pregnancy hormones...gotta love 'em. So, the moral of this story is, the cat is probably not gone, just sleeping somewhere he doesn't want you to know and don't react before you know what really happened. O, and I told my hubby not to shut the bedroom door anymore...for my sanity...the animals all congregate in there to sleep during the day and when he shuts the door, stuff like this happens. He was worried I was blaming him, but I assured him I knew he only ever did it out of habit. *sigh* On other news...

Baby Eliza is growing PERFECT! Dr. appt. went really well. I don't have anemia or gestational diabetes and little girl grew and the Dr. was happy with all of that. We saw her via ultrasound again on Saturday and she gave us more face time than the last 3 sessions, which was wonderful! Life is great. :)

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