Tuesday, April 12, 2011


So, after a very disgusting fight with my mom last night (the claws definitely came out and it wasn't pretty) and discouraging news that the temporary guardianship that my brother gave to my husband and me is invalid because it was done improperly, I decided to reflect. *Sigh* Today in in my SWU 295 class, we discussed keeping the worker balanced and how to avoid burn-out. This discussion was very enlightening in that, I have sucky boundaries with my brother and my mom. On my drive home from school, I popped in a CD and pondered what it was that I really want in my life. The first thing that popped into my head was happiness. Then I reflected some more. Happiness was what I always asked for; even when I was little. It seems so simple, but always ends up being complicated. I then thought of the things in my life that make me happy. I figured it was always easy to come up with things that make me unhappy, why not try something different for once. In ten minutes, this was my list:
  • When it rains in the desert (the smell, the sounds, all of the sensory details)
  • Snuggling with my pets...it's so nice to pet them and cuddle
  • Having spouse time with my husband. My favorite memory of this was when we made dinner together one night. It was so much fun.
  • Watching Top Gear UK. I laugh so hard.
  • Feeling my baby girl move within me...it's so undescribable
  • Completing a particularly difficult and grueling piece of course work and doing a great job.
  • GOD/Jesus (this is first on my list always, but for this sake, came to mind in this order)
  • Dancing like no one is watching...it's so liberating
  • Just hanging out with my best friend. We just get eachother.
  • Laughing. I love to laugh. Enough said.
  • The smell of dance shoes. It helps that my husband's brother owns a dance shop. I go there just for the smells. :)
  • Traveling to new places and experiencing the food, culture, ect.
This was just my list in 10 mins. I was so surprised with the amount I was able to come up with. From now on, I'm taking my happiness in my own hands. As my husband said to me, "why lease space to someone in you brain that doesn't care about what they do to you?" He's such a brilliant man. So, everyone, I wish you all a happy life and a happy day!

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