Thursday, March 31, 2011

3rd Trimester! Yesssssssssssss!

So, my last post was at a low point, but I can proudly and officially say that train wreck girl friend has been officially ousted from my life! Yay! My brother took it surprisingly well I guess, but then again, that's only being stated from a post card. Anyway...

My 28 week appointment (well, I was 27 weeks and 2 days) was, uhm, well it was. I had the glucose test and I had to drink that awful glucola. Not that it tasted bad per say, it's just, I don't really eat super sweet things not to mention ever drink them. I had a pretty good breakfast of eggs and bacon that morning, but had to fast after I drank the glucola. Needless to say, I felt sick. So, I went to the appointment well hydrated and feeling under-fed hoping for continued good news. When I got in to be weighed, I found out I gained 4 more lbs. So, all in all, based on that appointment, I've gained a total of 8 lbs. Not too bad for someone eating a healthy diet with cheats every once in a while. Then the nurse took my bp, it was 120/70 which is really good. After that, I saw my OB and he looked at some little rashes I had developed and gave me advice on treatment of them, felt my little shoulder cyst and said no worries, then had me lay on the exam bench. First he measured my fundal height. Then he listened to baby girl's heart beat for what seemed like forever. When he helped me sit up, he told me I had to come back in in two weeks because I measured the same as over a month ago at my 20 week appointment. I was out of it, so I didn't think to ask about what it meant or if I should worry. I've kind of just let things takes it's course and my dad's GF (who's a nurse) told me to just take it easy, babies grow at their own pace and that she was sure everything was fine with Eliza. I'm eagerly awaiting next week's appointment because my husband even commented on how he thought I looked as if I was definitely growing.

On other news, I had a 4D ultra-sound done on baby, well, 3 of them because my little monkey has decided to turn into a sleeping lioness who enjoys face to spine time with mommy. haha. I have to go back when I'm 30 weeks to try one more time, which the tech said would probably work out better for us. However, I did manage to get a couple good shots of Eliza's face, and I'll go ahead and share them with you guys.

The first shot is pretty clear, notice those chubby cheeks! Haha, the second shot is a face shot as well, but she has her entire foot under her chin. You can see the heel starting on the left and her toes pointing to the right. God I am so in love with her. Anyway, thought I'd share!

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