Monday, October 4, 2010

So Here I Am...

I have a paper due today...well, the draft, and I haven't even started on it. :\ I'm a pretty good writer and I can bang it out no problem, I just lack the motivation. I don't know what's with me lately...ever since the miscarriage I feel blah. I don't know if it's necessarily depression, I get up and stuff I just can't seem to get started on anything. Part of me feels like I'm stuck in a rut and that being pregnant again will give my life purpose. I know I'm a good student, I have a 3.85 GPA and a 4.5 GPA in my major. I'm really struggling and I don't really have anyone to talk to about it. I was given the name and number of someone who runs a miscarriage support group at the hospital...I'm starting to think maybe I should look into it. Maybe going to student health and getting a few counseling sessions under my belt my help too. It's hard to talk to my Husband about these things because I know that he doesn't understand completely. Then I worry about him because he's been so tired and hasn't been feeling well at all lately. He had mono in the past and it really affected him and I know it never goes away. I want him to go to the Dr. but he is fighting it. Our house is a disaster because it doesn't seem like we have time to do anything about it when in reality I just lack the motivation to do anything about it. I want to take a semester off from school. If I tell my Husband this, he'll freak out. I have student loans but as long as I'm back in school full-time before my 6 month period is up, I should be fine. I don't really know what to do or what to say and it's frustrating. I'm not complaining I'm just concerned because I really just don't care about anything anymore besides getting pregnant and having a baby. Maybe I'm just meant to figure this out alone, it just sucks so much. I digress.

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