Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I Can't Even Believe It!!!!!

This day just keeps getting worse...yesterday I started having these pains in my vagina...(TMI Alert!!!) It was like a pulling and pulsing sensation. It definitely didn't feel was quite painful. I even had a bit of pelvic pain similar to the vaginal pain, and still have not got an answer. It stopped last night and hasn't been back, thank goodness. However, I went to the student health center just to get looked at and all the Dr. did was send me for a blood test (pregnancy serum). It came back negative. I was devastated and texted my hubby telling him I give up, no more trying for me. He was really upset and called me and I just shrugged it off.

To make matters worse, the car (our new one!) got broken into last night. After he got home, we drove to Kohl's. On our way I started looking for my Ipod cable so I could listen to some music to cheer myself up. When I couldn't find it I asked him if he had removed it from the car, of course he said no. So then I thought maybe I had brought it inside last night. Anyway, once we were done at Kohl's, we popped the hatch to put our bag in the back, and my backpack, book, and the dog's car harness were missing. I freaked. I never have felt as violated as I did in that moment. Soon we discovered they had taken the little folder with the insurance card and temp. registration in it from the visor. When we got home, I called the police and an officer came. She took down some information and dusted for prints. She was able to pull some (that hopefully were not ours) and we're keeping our fingers crossed that she gets a database hit. Our neighborhood is so quiet and nothing EVER happens here. That's why we moved here. I'm still pissed they stole my had my notebook with my notes for classes, my folder with my class information, 2 of my books, my ID, my transit pass, ect. This day has definitely not been my best, but I think it's mind over matter from now on. If I keep the perspective that whoever took my stuff needed it more greatly than I did, I think I'll manage. Sy is really mad he has to replace all of my things. I'm upset too, but secretly I'm kind of excited I get to get a new book bag...there's been one that I've been oggling for a month...just never got it because he'd get upset for buying something I didn't need. I hope they can't do anything with my student ID...that's what I'm mostly worried about, but I'll let the University know tomorrow the situation. This week has just been so shitty. Ugh...

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