Tuesday, October 12, 2010

It's Hard To Deal With Tragedy When You're Glowing.

Well, to start off, I'm exhausted. I'm operating off of three hours of sleep and a headache. Last night around 10 I got a call from my brother Adam telling me my Papa (Mom's Dad) had a massive stroke. He's doing better today, but, he has a blood clot in his brain and they can't do anything about it. Talk about feeling powerless. Ughhh. Anyway. It seems that through tragedy, everyone who is upset will question why you're glowing and you don't look haggard...Hard to explain without explaining. I digress.

Went to the Dr.'s today and had blood drawn. He's monitoring my pernicious anemia (B12 deficiency) and is having me come back on Thursday to see if my numbers have doubled. Because I'm technically "high risk" I get a lot of special treatment. I get to see my little bean on the 25th of this month, only two short weeks away. I'm so excited and I cannot wait. I guess there really is a silver-lining to everything. Dr. told me to keep away from the hospital today and rest. My baby is relying on me not to be stressed and to get plenty of rest. So, when I get my results, I'll keep everyone posted. I'm gonna go take a warm bath and hit the hay.

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