Sunday, October 10, 2010

For Your Viewing Pleasure...

So here it is! My FRER from yesterday and my Digital from today! It's official, I'm pregnant!!! I'll be phoning the Dr. tomorrow to set up my initial appointment to get my blood drawn and my numbers determined. After two losses, it feels so good to have something growing inside me again. This pregnancy has definitely started out a lot different than the last one. I've had small bouts of nausea, not too much, I've been super tired (same as last time), heartburn (but not as bad), the need to pee (like a racehorse at an iced tea convention), and some light cramping. Aunt Flow is due Tuesday so I'm praying and praying that she keeps her ugly head away for the next 9 months. I've only told my Husband and my dear friend Alyssa who's currently due in December. I feel that this little bean is finally my chance to be a mommy. I had the craziest dream last night about breast feeding twins...I won't go into it but it had something to do with going to the Dr. and complaining I felt weird sensations or whatever. Anyway...

I'm supposed to be cleaning today but I'm soooo tired. I will do a little bit but mainly focus on getting it done tomorrow. My little brother Austin is here to help me. Part of the reason it's difficult for me is because I'm so tired and my Husband is here scrutinizing everything. Sheesh. Anyway, I'm gonna get going, just wanted to share my photos of those big beautiful BFPs. (:

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