Friday, October 8, 2010

Isn't G-D Amazing?

*Warning* I am a christian, and I do, from time to time, speak about G-D. Just wanted to get that out there so there wasn't any surprises. :)

So, last night my Husband and I had a fight. We don't have them often, but when we do (we're both really stubborn) it can be very loud with lots of tears. He usually storms out and drives off while I dramatically pack an over-night bag. Then, I call him or he calls me, he's angry, I'm crying, he comes home, we talk, we kiss, we snuggle. Most of the tension has been from my unchecked feelings towards my miscarriage. Part of me started realizing that maybe I wanted to try so soon after losing Abby was because I didn't want to deal with the pain of losing her was causing. Anyway, after the car break-in and theft, I knew I needed to figure out how to pay to replace the things that were stolen, mainly my books for school. I was supposed to go on a spiritual retreat this weekend but the cost just made it seem impossible (after the car break-in) and I emailed my friend Andrea (the coordinator of it from church) and told her the situation. I went all day yesterday without hearing from her. Then this morning, I got an email back. "April, don't worry about it, come!!!!" So, I remained unsure how my Husband would feel and went about my morning routine, let the dog out, feed the cats, pee...wait, I should pee in a cup. lol. So, with the morning urine I caught, I used one of my little internet HPT and I couldn't believe it! I got a faint BFP. I saw it as it was coming up so I know it isn't an EVAP line. I'm not going to get too excited, but I just thought, G-D is so amazing! I woke my Hubby up at around 6:30 and said, "there's a line"! He grunted and was like, "why are you taking another one? The blood test was negative". Then I explained that I probably hadn't had implantation yet and that it doesn't measure hCG at small levels, just gives you a positive or negative. He then laid his head on my belly and I said, "gimme a kiss". He did a kiss in the air and I said, "up here silly, on my lips" and he said, "if you are pregnant, I want to spend as much time with my child as I can". (:

I then told him about what Andrea said about the retreat. At first he was like, you're going to roll up in a new car and plead poor.  He then stopped when I told him I explained the situation to Andrea and he then said he'd put gas in the car and I promised I'd clean and do laundry before I left. I need this weekend so much. I know that if I can focus a couple days on G-D, Abby, and myself, I can go home refreshed and ready to take on the world. When I come home I'll take another test. AF (period) is due on Tuesday so, here's to praying she stays away for 9 months. I feel so much better today and I have some motivation.

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