Sunday, June 5, 2011

Tuesday I'll be 38 weeks

I can't believe she's almost here! Some days I'm just like, "get this baby out of me", other days, I feel like, "cook a little longer hunny". My Dr.'s appointment went pretty smooth. They were running behind because they got a new ultrasound machine (figures right when I don't need anymore!) and they were learning how to use it. However, when I got to see my OB we went over the usual, he told me I was measuring right on and that baby sounded good in there. I tested negative on my GBS (yay for not having to get IV antibiotics) and that I needed to do a TB test. I'm pretty sure I'm testing negative, but I have this nice little red mark. I think it's more bruising than reaction. I've been pretty tired lately and feel like the nesting instinct won't kick in. I have little spurts where I get a little anal retentive but nothing major. My two nieces are over until the early AM tomorrow. Their dad is getting out of jail so he'll be seeing them then. My mind is so fuzzy...I can't really focus. I just feel so off. Anyway, I'll update more later.

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