Friday, June 17, 2011

Here we sit, no baby yet!

So Tuesday the 21st my little girl is due. I had an appointment today of which I received some news about her as well as a painful pelvic exam that showed little progress and put me in some pretty uncomfortable pain as my OB tried shoving his finger into the opening of my slightly opened cervix. The news I received was that baby girl was perfectly healthy and thriving AND engaged into my pelvis. Yay! O ya, AND that she weighed about 8 1/2 lbs. already..."uhm, can I talk to you over here for a minute??????" lolz. I was expecting a bouncing SMALL baby girl, but, hey, porkie is healthy and at least I know despite my minimal weight gain, she's managed to put on a good amount of weight. I go in next Friday for my 40 week exam of which I'm HOPING little girl decides she wants to make an appearance. I told my dad's girl friend that my body just likes holding onto babies THAT much...of which I then reminded her that my miscarriage back in August 2010 WAS a missed miscarriage after all. My Dr. was surprised by how much my pre-labor my body has been doing which was resulting in nada mucho in terms of dilation/effacement. Figures. My daughter is stubborn like me. However, when it came to being born, I was all to ready to exit my mom and make an appearance. I just barely made it into the delivery room before I peeked my little head out. I have a feeling Eliza is going to be like my brother Zach. Holding on to dear life WITHIN the womb. lol. When I told my hubby how much little one approximately weighs, he was all, "but I thought the Dr. told you baby would be smaller..." My comment was, "well, that was 2 months ago and a lot has obviously changed." Here's to hoping and praying that baby Eliza makes her debut sooner than later. My OB discusses induction at the 40 week appointment. I really wanna go into labor myself rather than be induced. However, I know that if I am induced, my cervix has already been ripening and that's good when it comes to applying Cervadil to it. Bah! Come on Eliza!

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