Tuesday, December 28, 2010

We've reached 15 weeks! Yay!

I'm really enjoying being pregnant! Every morning my Husband talks to my belly and it's so cute! He asked me this morning if I was going to get headphones to play music for baby and I sarcastically told him, "absolutely! I'll be playing the best of Lady Gaga". He just stared at me, haha. Besides having the minor symptoms (nausea, headaches, insomnia, constipation, ect.) I really am enjoying the experience. My Husband asked me when we can have another (this one isn't even due until June!!!) and I laughed at him. I think he was kidding, but only partially. For right now, I want to space them out about 4 years. Who knows how I'll feel a year, two, three, ect, down the road, but, for now, that's what I want. In my family growing up, there were three of us all 2 years apart. I never felt like I was acknowledged that much (typical middle child) because the older brother was in trouble all the time and the younger one couldn't do any wrong. I just want my children to feel like individuals and to feel acknowledged. Anyway...

Then, on Christmas Eve, Mom tells me that her and my Step-Dad are going to buy our glider and crib. At first it was just the glider, but now it's the crib too. I'm not above having family help us, but, I do want to be able to say, this is the one I want. She apparently has her heart set on this one at KMart. #1 I'm not above KMart, but I've never seen the crib. #2, what if I don't like it? I'm sure I'll figure it out, but for now I said we'll see and I'd have to look at it. The set I want is at Target...I don't know if they do layaway there, o well.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

It's beginning to feel a lot like Christmas!

So, we kind of resolved the grumblings among my Husband's brother and Sister-In-Law. The only bad taste I left with in my mouth was when we walked them to their car and all of a sudden my Husband's brother started talking angrily about my diamond engagement ring. The story I heard from my Mother-In-Law was that she bought the diamond in Israel for my Father-In-Law to put in a ring with the family's birthstones. He apparently never wore the ring and supposedly they decided to gift the diamond for my engagement ring, ect. The story I got from my brother-in-law was that the diamond was "ripped from his father's ring even though he didn't want to give it up and he felt so hurt that any of the jewelery his mother had given to his father was given back because she'd just take that too. He apparently cried for days". Now, at this point he turned on me and stated that "you young lady better take care of that ring because if you don't, ect. ect.". Needless to say, the only man in my life even allowed to call me "young lady" is my OWN dad. Not anyone else. I know he's the same age as my dad but seriously, I'M 26!!!! My dad doesn't even call me that anymore. I'm an adult woman who is married and is having a baby! Not his daughter! I was so taken aback by the scolding that I didn't know what to say or do and unleashed once in the confines of my car with my Husband. Anyway, I didn't say anything to his brother, but Lord knows I wanted to!

On to happy news! So we have our new house on hold for us and we're packing up the one we're in now. It wasn't really feeling like Christmas to me so I had told my Husband that I was sad we weren't putting up a tree, ect. So, Hubby said we could put up our tree as long as we had the house more than half way packed up and in storage, which we do! So, my nieces and I put the tree up this morning and hung our ornaments and it looks so pretty! I even got a cute ornament of a pregnant bear next to a Christmas tree hung with pacifiers and bottles with pickles and ice cream beneath it. Next to the bear is a book where we got to personalize it by putting baby names in it. It's so cute! I have soooo much wrapping to do it isn't funny, but I figure I'll try to get it done today when my brother picks up the girls for the day. My poor Husband has been clueless on what to get me so I had to make up a Christmas list for him of things I'd like or want. I felt 5 again which added to the excitement. lol. This is the first Christmas that I'm actually looking forward to in a long time. God I love being pregnant I love being married and I love having my niece living with us to make it feel more like family and Christmasy!!!!

I also believe Santa has brought me an early gift this year...for the last week I THINK I've been feeling baby moving inside my tummy. It feels like someone's tickling me in there and it's not all the time. Only when I'm laying on my tummy or stretching or after eating a large meal. I haven't told anyone except my Husband. It doesn't really surprise me because I am really tuned into my body, especially my reproductive stuff. My lower belly is already hard and rounded and it doesn't feel like bloating or fat. So, yeah, that's the latest. God I love Christmas and family and everything about this pregnancy (minus the morning sickness I still have and the urge to pee all the time and the heartburn). God is so good!

Monday, December 13, 2010

Has it really been that long?

Well, a lot has happened since my last post...I apologize for not keeping you guys updated...it's been crazy hectic on my little piece of Earth. *sigh* Anyway, baby is still happy and thriving in my tummy and has graduated to a peach! My EDD changed back to the 21st of June, so I'm 12 weeks 6 days today, and tomorrow I graduate to 2nd trimester, yay! Today I had an ultrasound appointment for my first trimester screening. This was optional, but I figured #1 it would give me a little peace of mind, and #2 I would get to see my baby again. So, baby's heart beat was 150, nice and strong. The sonographer kept saying how cute baby was and uncooperative he/she was being. She also stated baby was very active and would jump around all over...I couldn't help but laugh. I kept thinking..."wow, you're not a bean, you're a monkey". Does this spell trouble for me after birth? lol. I cannot even express the joy and happiness I feel getting to this milestone. I was so concerned with getting to 10 weeks I didn't even realize how good 13 weeks would feel. My belly is getting rounder and harder and I get nice ligament pains. Dr. said it's really early to be feeling stretching in my tummy, but I also pointed out to him I have a lot of scar tissue from the surgery the car accident at age 11 caused. At that he agreed and said it was probably the scar tissue that was causing the pain.

The first image is a full profile of my monkey and the second is he/she's beautiful little face. I think monkey's going to have my button nose, thank goodness, lol. Monkey also had their arm up on his/her forehead and for a minute I thought monkey was sucking their thumb. I'm so excited this baby is really happening, I can't even explain. Dad's partner's daughter is due 2 weeks after me, so we're experiencing the same things together. It's surreal how everyone I know either just had a baby or is pregnant right now. I told my Husband that I want an above ground pool to float in after the colder months disappear. He actually didn't say no, so I am glad he's not going to fight me on it. It's AZ for goodness sake! lol.

We're also moving within the next month...I'm not happy about it but at least with this new place the landlord agreed to let me paint/decorate one of the rooms for the nursery so I get to actually enjoy being pregnant a little bit more! Yay! We've also had some family issues go on in my Husband's family...some of it has to do with baby...I feel really hurt and angry at it, however, at the same time, I realize my Husband's Mom and Dad are at the root of the troubles. We're supposed to iron out things on Friday...didn't really give Husband a choice. I just want everyone to be as happy as I am about this little miracle and not bring him/her into a hostile environment. I want the baby to know and love their Aunt and Uncle and to really enjoy a happy existence. However, I believe time heals all wounds and if Hubby and I stay proactive and really make a point to stay positive, all will be well and then everyone can enjoy baby!

Well, just wanted to share, hope everyone has a blessed Christmas/Holiday and hope the new year brings great things!