Monday, December 13, 2010

Has it really been that long?

Well, a lot has happened since my last post...I apologize for not keeping you guys's been crazy hectic on my little piece of Earth. *sigh* Anyway, baby is still happy and thriving in my tummy and has graduated to a peach! My EDD changed back to the 21st of June, so I'm 12 weeks 6 days today, and tomorrow I graduate to 2nd trimester, yay! Today I had an ultrasound appointment for my first trimester screening. This was optional, but I figured #1 it would give me a little peace of mind, and #2 I would get to see my baby again. So, baby's heart beat was 150, nice and strong. The sonographer kept saying how cute baby was and uncooperative he/she was being. She also stated baby was very active and would jump around all over...I couldn't help but laugh. I kept thinking..."wow, you're not a bean, you're a monkey". Does this spell trouble for me after birth? lol. I cannot even express the joy and happiness I feel getting to this milestone. I was so concerned with getting to 10 weeks I didn't even realize how good 13 weeks would feel. My belly is getting rounder and harder and I get nice ligament pains. Dr. said it's really early to be feeling stretching in my tummy, but I also pointed out to him I have a lot of scar tissue from the surgery the car accident at age 11 caused. At that he agreed and said it was probably the scar tissue that was causing the pain.

The first image is a full profile of my monkey and the second is he/she's beautiful little face. I think monkey's going to have my button nose, thank goodness, lol. Monkey also had their arm up on his/her forehead and for a minute I thought monkey was sucking their thumb. I'm so excited this baby is really happening, I can't even explain. Dad's partner's daughter is due 2 weeks after me, so we're experiencing the same things together. It's surreal how everyone I know either just had a baby or is pregnant right now. I told my Husband that I want an above ground pool to float in after the colder months disappear. He actually didn't say no, so I am glad he's not going to fight me on it. It's AZ for goodness sake! lol.

We're also moving within the next month...I'm not happy about it but at least with this new place the landlord agreed to let me paint/decorate one of the rooms for the nursery so I get to actually enjoy being pregnant a little bit more! Yay! We've also had some family issues go on in my Husband's family...some of it has to do with baby...I feel really hurt and angry at it, however, at the same time, I realize my Husband's Mom and Dad are at the root of the troubles. We're supposed to iron out things on Friday...didn't really give Husband a choice. I just want everyone to be as happy as I am about this little miracle and not bring him/her into a hostile environment. I want the baby to know and love their Aunt and Uncle and to really enjoy a happy existence. However, I believe time heals all wounds and if Hubby and I stay proactive and really make a point to stay positive, all will be well and then everyone can enjoy baby!

Well, just wanted to share, hope everyone has a blessed Christmas/Holiday and hope the new year brings great things!

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